Accept. HOWARD, Sec. Little Rock, AK. ORGANIZATION National: Since 1921 the ruling body for horseshoe pitching has been the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) with 52 charters in the US. Debra Brown, of Vermont, has been elected in the Player. FOR THE SPORT OF HORSESHOE PITCHING Published by The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) (January 1, 2010) I. 10 oz or under. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. (Your email will NOT be used or sold for any other purpose. However, for a recreational game, you can modify the rules to better suit. John Walker – 1976. First Name. Purpose. Mens Top 100 Stats. 2021 – NV. Player: Michael Bowman. The Horseshoe Tour events are supported, and sanctioned by the NHPA, therefore, all participants must be current members of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) in order to participate. For those who love to pitch horseshoes in and around Wyoming! For tournament schedules and more go. The handicap scoring system is designed to give everyone an equal chance to win. National stats . Three locals competed at the event. Click on the year to get the stats and results. National Horseshoe Pitchers Association. Clink HERE for more details and to register online. A game is divided into innings, and each contestant pitches two shoes in each inning. The NHPA is a federation of sixty (60) charters in the United States and Canada, each with numerous club affiliates and individual members. 01/28/23. To make them easier to find, these terms/definitions are arranged in alphabetical order. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. PLAYING RULES – This section explains the playing rules of horseshoes and may specify a general or specific penalty for violations. 2023 World Tournament Schedule. 31, 2023. , any weight under that maximum is allowable. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. There is a tournament scheduled almost every. 1. Va. 241 likes · 40 talking about this. S. About the NHPA; Contact the NHPA; Officers; Committee; Regional Director List; Past Officers; State Champions 2022; State Champions by Titles-DivPublished by The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) (January 1, 2013) PLAYING RULES – This section explains the playing rules of horseshoes and may specify a general or specific penalty for violations. State. 0 West Monroe, LA 2021 Alan Francis Defiance, OH 15-0 87. R. Helen Roberts – 1979. Florida Senior Games Championship Horseshoe Pitching Event Friday December 8, 2023 at the Clearwater Horseshoe Club. XVI LONDON, OHIO No. HS Pitcher 1948 – 1956; HS World 1923 – 1943; Facebook; SpocksSpots on YouTube; Website Sponsorship; Upcoming Events; Menu; 2023 World Horseshoe Pitching Championships. The WHPA has a state tournament event each year. Check the tournament schedule often for revisions. It is relatively simple to learn, has few associated costs, and can be enjoyed. The World Championship will be held at the Lansing Center from July 17 – 29, 2023. The initial fee of 1¢ per pair of horseshoes was paid by the stamp shown on the left. We schedule and organize NHPA sanctioned horseshoe tournaments in 12 Kansas towns that currently have horseshoe. Click the link or image to see additional information. The best men’s, women’s and junior horseshoe pitchers in the world will compete. * Pitching starts at 1:30 pm on Monday July 17th only. 638 Salem Cave Road Beaver, Ohio 45613 (740) 835-1925 Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Accept. News-Digest - NHPA. Section 2 The purpose of this. This is an update of the tournament events. $200. Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 390061: Shawn: Appleman: PA: Men:. TANNER, Pres. A game consists of 25 innings (50 shoes pitched by each person. April 6, 2023. Placing second in the world in the sport’s category for senior women shocked even. It is a charter of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association, NHPA, and therefore governs itself by standards set by the NHPA. As a leisurely pastime, friends and. The WHPA is not a bar league and is affiliated with the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America. These rules apply for all NHPA-sanctioned events, which includes Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. From: IL. Measure off 40 feet and drive two 36 inch x 1 inch smooth iron rod into the ground at an angle of about 12. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. Alan Eason from Rockville, Indiana, pitching horseshoes in the Indiana Division of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association state tournament in Kokomo, Indiana, on Saturday Sept. If you stream more than one camera, it will require more bandwidth. Seven-time Women’s World Horseshoe Pitching Champion, Sue Snyder of Kentucky pitched in her first world tournament in 1987. The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association used a private revenue stamp to indicate that a sanctioning fee was paid. Kalen McCain. Home; About Us. World Horseshoe Pitching Championships last August, Walter Ray Williams Jr. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. PLAYING RULES RULE 1 - PITCHING DIVISIONS Section A - Juniors Section B - Open Men Section C - Open Women Section D - Seniors Section E - Elder Men RULE 2 - GAME PREPARATION Section A - Court. Glory ( Thoroughbred ) No. GIRL 40ft SENIOR MEN . gbroberts5542@yahoo. If you want to do it before Worlds email meNATIONAL HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION. Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 803876: Nathan: Anderson : UT: Cadet Boys:. 3. 2017 – UT. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. High Game averages patches are for 0-5%, 6-9%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and Perfect Games. Smith is fresh off of a world title. All information provided is that of the event host. Ron Deckard – FL. Each state has at least one NHPA Charter. Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 800774: Kalei: Akiona: HI: Men: 25. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. More than 70 pitchers hailing from 16 states are scheduled to take part in the tournament, slated as the final event for the 2016 season of The Horseshoe Tour. Lacy, attorney Henry Mead and others to adopt a constitution, by-laws and rules governing all regular. The specifications set by the National Horseshoe Pitcher’s Association (NHPA), regulate that horseshoes should not exceed 2 lbs. Distance. . (SeeArticleIV on theWT contract). It may. A close look at his shirt reveals several prints of horseshoes and hand grenades. 931-788-3545. World Horseshoe Pitching Championships last August, Walter Ray Williams Jr. Their club is also the largest. National Horseshoe Pitchers Association. National Horseshoe Pitchers Association The NHPA is a federation of fifty four (54) charters in the United States, each with numerous club affiliates and individual members. To participate an annual NHPA Sanction fee of $33($25 NHPA & $8 TNHPA) For Adults and $10 for Cadets and Juniors will be required. 50: 1: 801268. Membership requirements shall be payment of annual TNHPA and NHPA dues and sportsmanlike conduct. 72 x 72 inches is the size of the pitcher’s box (6 x 6 feet). This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association used a private revenue stamp to indicate that a sanctioning fee was paid. Saturdays and Sundays 12-5pm. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. Each state association is self governing. Current Rule Book; Bylaws; Court Construction; 2023 Proposed Rule Changes; Sanctioned Shoes; Score-sheet. The pitching distance is either 27 ft or 37 ft from foul line to. Sharon Chiddister 47. The selections are made by the Executive Council and the awards are presented during the World Tournament each year. Southern California. The Lansing Sports Commission, in partnership with the Michigan Horseshoe Pitcher’s Association and the Lansing Center, was fortunate to serve as the host for the 2023 National Horseshoe Pitcher’s Association World Tournament this summer. 87 0 310066 Richmond IN. SENIOR MENS DIVISION (60 & OVER) CHAMPIONS (65 & OVER from 1967 to 1992) Year Champion Hometown W – L Rngr% WT Location 2022 Rick Howe Gardner, MA 10-1 72. BOY JR. Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 240634: Mike: Albright: IA: Men: 20. Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 230139: Robert: Aakre: MN: Elders: 15. Sanction Tournament ST Date RingersWelcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. just what any doctor might prescribe. was the center of attention. The following are provided for the promotion of major horseshoe pitching events which attract the majority of participants from out of state. Nebraska-East Stats. 32-23-001. All individuals pitching in the NDHPA State Tournament must be members of the NHPA. 10 oz. By using and ordering from (National Horseshoe Pitchers Association – “NHPA”) (the “Site”) you agree to be bound by and accept the following terms and conditions. We are working to try to get Facebook/Meta to remove the page and the. 5 EVERYTHING imaginable comes with the Spring, so far as horse. 00 plus any state association dues. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Each state association is self governing. Over 15 million horseshoe enthusiasts are estimated to play either officially or informally in the United States and Canada . First, you put your stakes in the ground. The best men’s, women’s and junior horseshoe pitchers in the world will compete. NATIONAL HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION. Papillion, NE. Subscription rate is $5. , this year. The only equipment consists of horseshoes and two iron or steel stakes embedded in the ground. Player Shoes Ringers Ringer % Points Class Rank Wins Losses Hi Gm %. The 2019 state tournament is in Eau Claire from August 31 to September 1. OUTSTANDING BLUE CLAY FOR HORSESHOE PITS. Collectively, these clubs hold state wide weekend tournaments throughout the year. There are several opportunities to attend while at the World Tournament in Monroe, LA. NHPA Final Stat Sheet. 20. The Place to Play Welcome to organized horseshoes at its finest! We are affiliated with the Nation Jimmy Hinton congratulates Dan Dunn, center, and Fred Gross, left, after the two longtime horseshoe pitchers were honored for their 50-year membership in the National Horseshoe Pitching Association. Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 130209: Tania: Abeyta: CO: Women: 15. This year’s tournament was held in Lansing, Michigan with 48 states and three countries represented. 83 0 310397 Goshen IN. When the best horseshoe pitchers from across the map gather at the end of the month for the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association World Tournament in St. In the late 1980s, 12 horseshoe courts were built at Meadowlake Park, and EAHPC was formed and sanctioned by National Horseshoe Pitching Association in 1990. BRISTOL — Bristol horseshoe pitcher Debra Brown has been throwing horseshoes for over 40 years, picking up a plethora of state, regional and world championship titles along the way. California-North Stats. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. Depending on the category of participants, the distance between the stakes and the pitching platform can be 37 feet (11. National Horseshoe Pitchers Association . Online entry deadline is May 15th, 2023. horseshoe courts. NEWS DIGEST – F Ellis Cobb editor 1956 -1988. About the NHPA; Contact the NHPA; Officers; Committee; Regional Director List; Past Officers; State Champions 2022; State Champions by Titles-DivThe Southern California Horseshoe Pitchers Association (SCHPA) is an extension of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA); and, if you enjoy year-round organized horseshoe pitching and you live in the southern half of California, these are the associations you MUST join! Joint membership in both associations is granted by simply. Olympics has created these rules based National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) rules, which shall be employed except when they are in conflict with the Official Special Olympics Sports Rules for Horseshoes. 2023 NHPA World Championships. B. The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) has 13,000 members across the United States, Canada and other countries. So you wanna pitch 'shoes in your backyard with your kids or neighbor without constructing a professionally designed regulation court. Wyoming Horseshoe Pitching. May pitch from any place on the extended or full-distance platform and shall observe the Twenty-foot (20') foul line. National Horseshoe Pitching Association 2023 Outdoor Tourn. A Brief History of the Game of Horseshoes. It was a very competitive class with many close games, but Tom Prokop, GHC, posted an undefeated 6-0 record to score the patch. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. These News Digests are being presented in PDF format so that they may be shown in their original format and to give those that wish, a chance to print a bit more of our history. We need Horseshoe Pitchers - Interested? Call or Text Doug Farnsworth on 931-787-4852 . Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 280029: Linda: Aarstad: WI: Women: 50. A year or two later these two National Organizations were consolidated under the name of the latter. Scheduled events are posted on the website. NHPA Standing Rule for Senior Women 65+October 2023 to July 2024. This card entitles you to participate in NHPA sanctioned play throughout the United States and much of Canada, where ever you meet the requirements of the event. Published by The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) (January 1, 2016) III. NATIONAL HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION. At the center of each end is an area called the pitching box which is 6 feet square. Pennsylvania-East Stats. SECTION 3. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Thank you for registering to participate in the 2023 NHPA World Tournament in Lansing. The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) is the sport’s governing body. We have a rich history as far back as 1935 when the Club was formed. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. This is an ongoing project that may take some time to complete, as there are 31+ years of. Location. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. ARTICLE 1 (Name and Purpose) Section 1 The Name of this association shall be the Georgia State Horseshoe Pitcher’s Association, herein after referred to as the association. 89: 4: 800775. horseshoe club. Materials / Patch Order Form. NHPA national statistics center (NATSTATS) maintains the official records on all sanctioned tournament results and publishes NATSTATS 3-HIGH AVERAGES reports. 8oz. Accept. Henry Lopez of Lewiston took home the win Saturday at the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA)-sanctioned Moscow Classic at East City Park in Moscow. In 1991, Jones competed in his first World Tournament in Biloxi, Mississippi. T. 25 to $1. National Horseshoe Pitcher’s Association 3085 76 th Street Franksville, WI 53126 (262) 835-9108 2. The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association establishes the official rules of horseshoe pitching. Horseshoe Pitchers Foundation (NHPF) Terms of Use; Membership. . These News Digests are being presented in PDF format so that they may be shown in their original format and to give those that wish, a chance to print a bit more of our history. Horseshoe Pitching September Newsline Official Publication of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association - October 2021 Message from President 1 2nd VP Message 3 WT Hotel Rates 5 WT RV Parks and Camping Fee 6 WT Monroe Info 7 Hall of Fame update 8 Advertising New I. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. The majority of horseshoes are medium-weight at about 2 lbs. Shoes shall be pitched from alternate ends of the court 40 feet apart except as modified herein. World Tournament Photo Gallery. Remember. Lynchburg, VA. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. Two 1 inch diameter, 36 inch long stakes made of iron or steel should be driven into the ground at an angle of about 12 degrees from vertical (leaning towards the opponent). You may want to have the NHPA sanction your youth league, especially if a NHPA club is assisting with the league or. Arroyo is ranked No. Prev; Next; Clubs & Courts Info. Within this is a rectangle called the pit that. PROMOTER/ORGANIZER. Illinois 1, IL (Site Quail Ridge, MO) Dalton Rakestraw, Larry Thomason, Bill Arnold. Card Number: 190693. JEFFERSON CITY — More than 200 people are in Jefferson City this weekend for the 95th annual Missouri State Horseshoe Championships. These rules apply for all NHPA-sanctioned events, which includes Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. 34,388 likes · 107,229 talking about this. When setting up a horseshoe game, you have to place the stakes exactly 40 feet apart. Players score points based on where their horseshoes land in. Rule 11; Section D; 1: Current Wording: 1. 00 by each pitcher as set by the tournament director). 11th – July 23rd. That tournament would be the 2023 World Horseshoe Pitching Championships held by the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association. LAWS of the Georgia Horseshoe Pitchers’ Association, a division of the National Horseshoe Pitcher’s Association. Gross, the tournament’s director, said between 110 and 120 pitchers can be expected in Kokomo for the two. The cost to enter the league is $40 for fulltime, $25 for substitute, and $15 for non-league members. For the first time ever, Michigan is hosting the world championship in horseshoe pitching, July 17-29 at the Lansing Center. Cherokee Nation citizens Al Ross and Cale Matlock and United Keetoowah Band. ARTICLE 1 (Name and Purpose) Section 1 The Name of this association shall be the Georgia State Horseshoe Pitcher’s Association, herein after referred to as the association. The HP Pro Tour will consist of three divisions: a. “Prime 40” (all players pitching from 40’ with an average of 40% and above. » WHAT: 2018 National Horseshoe Pitching Association World Horseshoe Tournament. Prize money for this tournament. Jerry Labrosse – MN. Utah-North Stats. Jerry Labrosse – MN. lc. On Sept. Chippewa Falls native Sarah Chaffee defended. Cameras are available for courts 1-40. Women 50-74 will pitch a minimum distance of 30 feet. Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 802517: Jack: Aguiar: CA: Men: 10. Rank. 42: 20:. Forty-eight states and three countries are competing for division. com. Division. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. Facebook Page/Group Update. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Mar 13, 2015, 7 AM. Womens Top 100 Stats. Anderson, first president of the Grand League of American Horseshoe Pitchers Association, Met on May 6th, 1914 in the court room of the first district court of Kansas City, Kansas with co-founders judge Walter W. Rick Bermingham – N. Entry Deadline. We have been at this present site now since 1970 and. You will be placed in a class with other pitchers who are. Alan Eason from Rockville, Indiana, pitching horseshoes in the Indiana Division of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association state tournament in Kokomo, Indiana, on Saturday Sept. Day 2. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Greater Victoria Horseshoe Pitching Association. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. NHPA national statistics center (NATSTATS) maintains the official records on all sanctioned tournament results and publishes NATSTATS 3-HIGH AVERAGES reports. Elders A Class Sunday, Sep 10 2023 9:30 AM. 2. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. com. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. – 2 lbs. The NHPA and the WSHPA annual membership dues must be paid online in eShoe. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. The higher-rated pitchers will then pitch their four (4. 2023 World Tournament Online Signup (* Required fields) Select One. Winnemucca is located at the intersection of two major highway systems serving patrons from across the United States, which should prove to be extremely successful in attracting an increased. Eli’s a fifth grader at Crozet Elementary School, and he’s chosen horseshoes, a family pastime, over other sports that get more attention and support. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. Sioux Falls World Qualifier 2. 931-801-9939. Card # First Name Last Name State Division Ringer Percent Events Played; 40329: Robert J: Alcaraz: CA: Men: 32. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Location. The Missouri State Horseshoe Pitching Association is the largest charter in the National Horseshoe Pitching Association, according to organizers. Purpose. ARTICLE II: Purpose The purpose of the NHPA shall be to develop, foster, and promote organized horseshoe pitching at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels; as a recreational Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Accept. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. W. About the NHPA; Contact the NHPA; Officers; Committee; Regional Director List; Past Officers; State Champions 2022; State Champions by Titles-DivThis is the "Official" Facebook group of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA). Horseshoe pitching tournaments normally have "class" sizes of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16 pitchers. Laurie Lampkin Publicity / Promotion Laurie_r@bellsouth. 9, 2023 11:22 am. Four more horseshoe courts were. From modest roots, with 20 local pitchers in central North Carolina, the NC-HPA has spread out in all directions to cover the entire state from the. Aug. Accept. , and ending on Sept. Open Tournament open to all NHPA members nationwide. 2 m) or 27 feet (8. This site uses cookies which are necessary for users with a login. Official Publication of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association Message from President 1 1st VP Message 3 2nd VP Message 4 Statman 4. 2019 $250. The Tennessee Horseshoe Pitcher's Association is a division of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association. California-South Stats. Tournament Host Site. Doubles took place on August 29, and singles were held on August 30. Published by The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) (January 1, 2016) I. 25 0 310026 Tipton IN. Ron Deckard – FL. By the time he heads to Louisiana for the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association World Tournament in early July, he’ll be 11 years old. Monroe-West Monroe, LA - The banks of the Ouachita River and Bayou Desiard, Monroe-West Monroe, Louisiana has everything you need for an unforgettable World Horseshoe Pitching Championship. Accept. Accept 2023 NHPA World Championships. The MGSHPA officers and directors would like to thank the Hibbing Horseshoe Club for hosting two great state tournaments. 2018 – SC. The name of this organization shall be the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America, hereinafter known as NHPA. She won second place at the 2021 National Horseshoe Pitchers Association World Tournament in Winnemucca, Nevada. -- Members of the Cherokee County Tri-Community (Welling, Eldon and Briggs) sanctioned horseshoe league represented Oklahoma July 25 through Aug. 00 per year in advance. PLAYING RULES RULE 1 - PITCHING DIVISIONS Section A - Juniors Section B - Open Men Section C - Open Women Section D - Seniors Section E - Elder Men RULE 2 - GAME PREPARATION Section A - Court Assignment Section B - Pit Preparation and Maintenance Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Accept. courts that meet NHPA requirements to host Sanctioned events. IndianaHallofFame. Basic design techniques are the same for almost any type of field. PLAYING RULES This section explains the playing rules of horseshoes and may specify a general or specific penalty for violations . This is pretty unusual. 1982. Women 50-74 will pitch a minimum distance of 30 feet. Competitiveness aside, many horseshoe pitchers will tell you the best part is the people you meet. 3 hrs ·. National Horseshoe Pitchers Association The NHPA is a federation of fifty four (54) charters in the United States, each with numerous club affiliates and individual members. Wisconsin Stats. Sioux Falls World Qualifier 1. 2023-8-19 New Castle. Organizers expect State and even World Champions to attend. He joined the NHPA the following year. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Players will dress in a manner which will bring credit to them and. Horseshoe pitching offers moderate outdoor exercise. They have been very helpful during the transition process. Past Officers of the NHPA. Welcome to eShoe, a place for National Horseshoe Pitchers Association members to track stats and renew their membership online. Wayland man Steve Miller sits at the National Horseshoe Pitching Association backdrop after winning the Men's F-2 division of the World Horseshoe Tournament. Wentzville, MO 63385. T. The WHPA has a state tournament event each year. Boston Massachusetts. Established in 1960. Charles Bunner. Home; About Us. Accept. Of Note for both charters are each pitcher’s lifetime average, highest yearly average, individual year’s average, total number of. Two people will be inducted into the Hall of Fame during the NHPA Hall of Fame and Awards Banquet that will be held in Monroe, LA during the 2022 World Horseshoe Tournament. E. Oregon Stats. NHPA membership cards are available through each state secretary for $5. The North Platte. The Clearwater Club was awarded the “Outstanding Achievement Award” by the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association for conducting the first ever Men’s and Women’s World Championship Invitational Tournament. Schedule 2023 EPHPA Tourn. Membership Application (PDF) The NHPA card is a combination membership of the state and the national horseshoe pitching associations.